Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Is there a place for me if I am seeking a traditional Catholic service?
The Liberal Catholic Church is theologically progressive, but traditional in worship. The Liberal Catholic Mass preserves an ancient and stately ritual, which includes the trappings of pre-Vatican II liturgy, but in English, not Latin. The Liberal Catholic Church offers the seven Catholic sacraments – Baptism, Confession and Absolution, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders and Holy Unction (healing) – to everyone
2. I am divorced. Am I welcome?
Staying in an irreconcilably bad marriage isn’t good for anyone. Divorced Roman Catholics have to make a choice between marrying again, and being welcome to receive Holy Communion on Sunday. In the Liberal Catholic Church International, there’s no need to make such a choice. All people are welcome at the altar.
3. Can I receive God's blessing if I am in a same-sex relationship?
Yes, if it is legal where you are living. Otherwise, the LCCI can offer the same-sex blessing ceremony after the legal wedding. This enables same-sex couples to receive God’s blessing on their union in a spiritual and religious setting.
4. I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community. Am I welcome?
Here’s what Christ had to say about homosexuality or non-binary gender-identities…….. that’s right – nothing. What he talked about a lot is love, acceptance, reaching out to those pushed to the margins of society due to fear, prejudice and bigotry. Anyone identifying as LGBTQ+ who wants to remain or become Catholic, needs the Liberal Catholic Church International.
5. I've been denied marriage in another church because I didn't want to raise my children in a particular faith? What's the LCCI's view?
If you are contemplating a 'mixed marriage', if you have not received all your sacraments prior to marriage, or if you've been turned off by written promises to raise your children in a particular faith, you need not worry. You are welcome in the LCCI.
6. What's the church's view on modern medical care, particularly family planning?
The LCCI supports family planning. Families will NOT be taught that safe and medically-sound choices are sinful. Increasingly, women and their partners from all religions and walks of life, have been demanding control of their reproductive cycles and organs. They are also demanding the best that modern medicine has to offer to help them with this control. We support this stance.
7. What does it mean when the LCCI says it encourages 'freedom of thought'?
You will never find a church where all of her members agree with their pastor or church leaders all of the time. You’ll never find a church where all of her members agree with all of the principles and practices upon which that church is founded. You’ll never find a church where all of her members interpret the Bible exactly the same way, or hold the same political views, or all vote for the same candidates or issues.
You will find many, many churches that expect those with different or minority opinions to change them, or at least to keep silent about them. Some people even go as far as hiding their marital status, sexual orientation, past history, or current values from their priests or ministers, in order to be welcomed at the altar for Holy Communion.
In the Liberal Catholic Church International, we focus on common worship, not common belief. People who want to be welcome to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, and be welcome just as they are.
You will find many, many churches that expect those with different or minority opinions to change them, or at least to keep silent about them. Some people even go as far as hiding their marital status, sexual orientation, past history, or current values from their priests or ministers, in order to be welcomed at the altar for Holy Communion.
In the Liberal Catholic Church International, we focus on common worship, not common belief. People who want to be welcome to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, and be welcome just as they are.
8. What if I've been denied Baptism?
We've heard all kinds of reasons why people have been refused baptism in other churches - the parents of the child are not married, or married only in a civil ceremony; the parents have not received all of their sacraments; the godparents are not married, are not married to each other, were not married in a church ceremony; the godparents are too young to offer good religious education; the godparents are too old; the parents are too new to the parish; the parents have not donated enough money to the church.
When families ask about our requirements for baptism, our answer is: if you have a child who hasn’t been baptized or you wish to be baptized, you’ve met our requirements.
When families ask about our requirements for baptism, our answer is: if you have a child who hasn’t been baptized or you wish to be baptized, you’ve met our requirements.