We are an independent and self-governing body - neither Roman Catholic nor Protestant – but Catholic.
The Churches are called Liberal Catholic because their outlook is both liberal and Catholic.
Catholic means universal, but it has come to stand for the outlook and practice of the historical church as distinct from that of the later sects. The Liberal Catholic Movement allies itself with this historical tradition. It combines the Catholic form of worship - its stately ritual, its deep mysticism, and its abiding witness to the reality of sacramental grace - with the widest measure of intellectual liberty and respect for the individual conscience.
We draw our central inspiration from faith in an eternal Christ, who lives now and forever as a mighty spiritual Presence in the world, guiding and sustaining all His children, without barriers based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, economic status, age, disability, theological viewpoint, familial status, or issues of individual conscience
The Liberal Catholic Church came into existence as the result of a complete reorganization in 1915-16 of the Old Catholic movement in Great Britain upon a more liberal basis. This Church derived its Orders from the Mother-See of the Old Catholic movement, the ancient archiepiscopal see of Utrecht in Holland. |